April 27, 2020

Dear Giant Families,
It's been 45 days since we made the incredibly hard decision to close the facility. When we referred to“challenging times” we had no idea the meaning that phrase would take on. This is without a doubt thegreatest challenge Giant has ever faced in its 14-year history and certainly the greatest of ourprofessional careers. And yet, despite the challenge and uncertainty, the support and love from ourGiant families and staff have reminded us that social distancing does not mean social isolation. We areall in this together. You have shared your fondest memories of Giant with us, laughed together duringvirtual classes, and shed tears of sadness with each other when distancing seemed to be too much tobear. It is this deep connection through thick and thin that reminds us we WILL be together again andwe WILL come back stronger. And when we do finally get to open our doors and welcome your familyback with eager and joyful hearts, know that your support will not be taken for granted nor everforgotten.

So What’s Next?
In the coming weeks, information will be disseminated by the governing bodies regarding when and howthe State will reopen. Though unsure of what phase gymnastics facilities will be advised to reopen in, weare all too aware that there will probably not be a completely risk-free window for us to resumeoperation. However, with the insights from local and state officials as well as clarified reopeningguidelines set by the CDC and other Health Officials, we will begin to make our own Roadmap toReopening. Combine that with our integrity and solid commitment to creating a safe environment toreturn to, we are confident that when the time is right, Giant will open with a renewed sense of energyand enthusiasm and animpeccable level of cleanliness toensure safetyfor all.Please ensureyou arefollowing theguidance andexecutiveorders so thatwe can getback to normalas quickly andsafely as possible. We are in this together! Stay in touch with us through our numerous forms ofcommunication to best know when you can expect to return to gymnastics!!


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