LONG but Please read below how Giant is staying proactive in an effort to best serve our community safely!

Facility sanitization, cleanliness and safety is always a priority and now more than ever. With the reality that the COVID19 is a current risk in the global community, we want to share with you how we are committed to doing everything we can to maintain a healthy environment for our staff, students and their families.

Daily Gym Sanitization -

- We disinfect daily with both natural-based and more commonly known disinfectant products: mats, equipment, props, floors, bathrooms, doorknobs, etc.

- We have increased frequency of common area sanitization throughout the day

Extra Measures-

- You may see some props removed from class

- You may notice we may choose not to use certain props, or may utilize other techniques of hands-off spotting to limit person-to-person contact

-You may notice more sanitizer around the gym, please use at your discretion

-You may notice the smell of stronger sanitizer and cleaners

-We will continue to monitor all classes, future scheduling and make the most informed decisions as needed in the coming days.

Please Do Your Part, Too -

- Wash hands BEFORE and AFTER class! Staff have initiated a "Gel In/Gel Out" campaign to have students use hand sanitizer as they come into class and as they leave. If you prefer they wash their hands, please escort them to the bathroom to do so before class begins.

- Be respectful of others; if you or anyone in your family feels unwell, please stay home. We are more than happy to schedule a makeup for you!

-Cover sneezes with a tissue, or elbow

-More than ever, prioritize your health and well-being, boost your immune system, get plenty of sleep, nourishment, fresh air and exercise as possible.

© Giant Gymnastics of Hackettstown 2025 - powered by EggZack